Friday 13 May 2011

From first day in Jamaica

Here is a first collage from Jamaica - Members of IEPC spiritual life committee greeting one another and photos of some of the wonderful bougainvilia which is in flower everywhere, also the mural from the University of the West Indies where the Peace convocation will take place. The book shop at the university is a wonderful place (when would this blog ever say any thing else about a book shop!) and has supplied me with some poetry and other ideas to keep me going through the meeting.
I just had to get a picture of the dictionary of Jamaican English - yes I stopped myself from buying it, but listening to folk talking here is quite a challenge. A bit like the difference between Swiss German and German. I'm sort of half reassured that the locals seem to find me just as difficult to understand - it's strange we know we're speaking the same language so we nod and say yes and then have to turn around and ask again for clarification. so far all of this takes place in smiles and laughter. i'm going to have to get my Caribbean ears tuned in better and I really want to be able to say "Kingston" like they do here before I leave.

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