Monday 7 June 2010

Travelling ...

So today the stranzblog is travelling back to Geneva in order on Saturday to travel once more though this time by plane to the USA for the first time in my life.
More about that soon. For now my head is full of ideas about mission, evangelism, missionaires, clergy, the gospel and how to authentically witness to Christ today. As I come down to earth after a chaotic and tiring time of interpreting and communications work I might even get around to writing something, we'll see!

Meanwhile this post is being written from the champagne bar at London St Pancras - which may explain the dodgey typing!

1 Comment:

janetlees said...

Yes I've had champagne there too! Great isn't it - well done - hope to hear more about 'E' in due course - may come in ahndy for a small job I do (!). Travel well.