Tuesday 3 August 2010

stuff ...

Today I ate chocolate with a friend in a few moments of shared pleasure. It was delicious, much needed and it helped us to talk.
As it says on the fax machine near my office "things are getting worse, please send chocolate."


Tara Tautari said...

Oh the joys of chocolate! There's something about eating chocolate with friends..sitting close together, unwrapping the foil cover inside...the satisfying 'snap' of great chocolate...and the smiles given as pieces are handed out and the conversation continues...

Claudine said...

Life is certainly too short and too precious to eat bad chocolate (or drink bad wine for that matter as well....). Claudine

Jane said...

A good friend had a chocolate and red wine party for her 50th birthday - it was fun - tho i did sneak in a bit of cheese