Tuesday 20 April 2010

Icon exhibition in the chapel

I had a real Martha and Mary moment this afternoon and it was quite funny. I was busy preparing the "apéro" for the opening of the icon exhibition and wanted to take a drink to our two artists who were in the chapel. Walking from the apéro table into the chapel I suddenly realised that I was completely missing the main event, there were lots of people looking at the icons, enjoying the music, looking around and talking gently. It was a wonderful moment - I suddenly realised that the real party was taking place in the chapel not around the crisps and wine bottles outside!
Many of the people who came in today had never been to the ecumenical centre before and it was agreat opportunity to talk about our work and meet new people, including a very engaging man who works as a clown and wanted to come dressed as a clown and do a talk on God, humour and spirituality. Not really something that someone who writes a blog called of life, laughter and liturgy could really say no to!

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