Sunday 7 October 2007

Un sens à ta vie - A meaning to your life

Yesterday I took a big step and went back to doing something I used to do when I was the minister of the local church here in Ferney. Together with Bernard Millet, my successor in the parish, I taught "KT". KT is French shorthand for catéchisme or confirmation class or perhaps just youth work.
The material we're using is called "un sens à ta vie" and it's really well done. However we're taking a rather post-modern approach and beginning with chapter eight which is called "appeler à devenir" - called to become. We tried to encourage the young people to dream dreams both for themselves and for humanity. You never really know whether anything you say is actually going in. It was interesting though that in the final session where they each had to choose a verse from a list of some sayings of Jesus in the gospels they all seemed to quietly settle to making their choice and then writing it on a big sheet of paper - Words of life.
Later standing with them in the Temple for a short time of prayer I realised that I felt quite at home back there even though I hadn't been back since I left five years ago. No worse a curse than having the previous minister sitting in the pews every Sunday.
Being more involved locally again will I hope help my reflections on the daily ecumenical work I'm involved in.
Anyway KT was fun, we're fortunate in having a great group of young people and I'm looking forward to next month's class. It helps give meaning to my life too.