Friday 30 May 2008

Early news of a new blog

I've been meeting tonight with Evelyne Colongo and Karin Ducret to plan next year's feminist theology sessions which will have the title "Dieu est belle". We've had fun trying to improve the titles for each session - quite fun when there's only one native Franconphone in the steering committee - Karin is Austrian. It's amazing how long such a seemingly short task can take.
Dr B cooked for us, baking wonderful homemade "flameküche", followed by raspberries and cream. He's also set up the outline of a Wordpress blog for the femtheol group where we will gradually be able to post our programme and archive the lectures. As Evelyne is a radio journalist we may even have a podcast or two to post. It will be good to get a quality blog in French about feminist theology going and it will be a good way for us to archive the work of the past 5 years. I'll let you know once it is up and running.
I don't think I'll be exporting my blog to wordpress just yet though - too much work!