Saturday 8 November 2008

Praying for human rights

This week I received a copy of the booklet pictured opposite. On Tuesday colleagues from the World YWCA and World YMCA who helped to preapreit will lead prayers in the ecumenical centre chapel in Geneva. As well as containing meditations on different aspects of human rights, liturgies and prayers, it also includes a Bible reading plan for the year.

For over a century the two movements have issued a joint call to prayer in the second week of November as an important reminder of the spiritual vision that drives their efforts to create a better world for all people. This year’s theme is 'Born Free, Born Equal - Celebrating Human Rights' and highlights how the scriptures call for a commitment to protect freedom and justice.
You can download it in English French and Spanish by clicking on this link.
The annual joint Week of Prayer and World Fellowship will be held from November 9 - 15, 2008 by member associations of the World YWCA and the World Alliance of YMCAs across the world.