Saturday 28 June 2008

C'est la fête à Voltaire!

The Saturday market has moved this morning to the car park, meanwhile the centre of Ferney has become a series of stages for the various theatre performances that will go on at this evening fête à Voltaire. Apart from the theatre there will also be lots of food and cultural stands. And amazingly it's not raining!
This is the first Fête à Voltaire I shall experience since Ferney went "Duty-free" in the last municipal elections. There will also be some interesting theatre going on at the Châtelard, one of Voltaire's original cultural centres here in Ferney.
Anyway the focus for this year's fête is Voltaire moving to Ferney 250 years ago. You can read more about it here and even more amazing than the lack of rain is the fact that special public transport has been laid on. More information from the Mairie's official site - go on come to Ferney but leave your car at home, you can download the programme there as well.