Click on one of the below thumbnails to view the day and devotion.
December 2007
January 2008

© 2007 Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance
Material may be photocopied or quoted as long as credit is given to the source (author and Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance “Keep the Promise” Advent calendar).
As well as preparing worship resources for World Aids Day the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance has this year put together an excellent Advent calender of daily readings, pictures and meditations. Many of the meditations are written by people living with Aids.
It's really one of those things I wish I had dreamt up myself, I can just imagine the time it took to coordinate but it is brilliant. It works as a printed calendar, as a downloadable resource (in two sizes A4 and US letter) and as a daily meditation web resource to click on as in the graphic above. It is profound, it's beautiful, it's easy to use and it's also multilingual - so far it's available in English, French, Spanish and Russian but I heard today that they have also just got a version in Finnish so watch the EAA website all you Finnish speakers, it will be up there soon.
Keep the promise!
"May our prayers be the foundation for action to keep our promises, and hold others to theirs, so that future generations will not live in a time of AIDS."
Fabulous, Jane. Thanks so much. I hadn't spotted this, but have now put it on Ekklesia (with a hat-tip to you) and my blog. Hi to Stephen (and from Carla).
I'd known this would be coming for a few months but only realised quite how brilliant this online version was when I managed to paste it into my blog. I really think we should be encouraging all church websites to be pasting it up - it's given me lots of days - a really brilliant advocacy and spirituality tool.
Hi to both of you too!
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