Thursday 24 July 2008

Dave Walker threatened

Like many others I was shocked when Dave Walker of the Cartoon blog announced he was removing all posts relating to the SPCK bookshops takeover in the UK - due to a legal threat. Then even that explanatory post was removed. Dave had been doing brilliant work detailing the issues and problems about the shops. The blogosphere (I think that must be the first time I have ever used that word) or at least the small bit of it I regularly visit is full of outrage - some think Dave shouldn't have given in so easily.
David Keen
has got some useful links, and David Ker at Lingamish has been inspired to draw a cartoon of his lingapotamus. So far the best links are from Doug Chaplin here.
Can't someone get the Lambeth bishops to campaign for their very own cartooner, or is this not what Anglicans do? I shall be sending my own roving reporter into the fray this weekend. Bishop Allan has a good post here.
The important thing is that Dave Walker should not stop drawing - prove that the pencil be mightier than the writ or the threat of writ.