Thursday 10 July 2008

Specially for Calvin's 499th birthday ...

We've already bought Budvar for our party on Saturday but I love this slogan, on this special range of beers named after John Calvin, "To be consumed even outside hours of worship."
There's a wonderful little video of Calvin drinking this local Genevan brew which is rather sweet but I shall have to ask Lac19 for some help in tracking it down - and I'm not allowed to link to his blog so you can't go there and search yourselves. Actually Dr B has now tracked it down here, it ends with the splendid phrase "in birae predestinas".
Anyway in case you think this is a rather frivolous approach to the great reformer of Geneva I should add that today I also attended the launch by the World Alliance of Reformed Churches of a new book on the relevance of Calvin's social and economic ideas in the 21st century, and a beautiful calligraphy calendar by Bridget Dommen. Both in honour of the 500th anniversary of Calvin's birth in a year's time. I'll say something more about book and calendar when I can provide links .. oh, and did I say, today is the 499th birthday of Calvin!
In the meantime, cheers!


Anonymous said...

Sorry I had no clue about the existence of such a video — you seem to overestimate my abilities — so thanks for alerting me to it.

Well fed by your latest posts at breakfast, I'll do 35 minutes of biking to work now... :o)

Jane said...

I'm sure I saw it on your blog first