Sunday 28 February 2010

Open letter about Margot Kässmann to all congregations of the Hannover Church

Today a letter about Margot Kässmann's resignation was read from the pulpit in many of the congregations in the Hannover Church. You can read the full text here. You can also read comments on the letter over on
It ends as did Kässmann at her press conference on Wednesday with the words from Arno Plötzsch - they can be sung to the melody of "Bleib mit deiner Gnade bei uns" and are often used for eternity Sunday. The words are reworked in calligraphy for a gravestone on the graphic pictured here. I must try to sing them at some point to have any hope of translating this poetically. Translating poetry is really not my forte.

"Du kannst nicht tiefer fallen als nur in Gottes Hand,
die er zum Heil uns allen barmherzig ausgespannt.
Es münden alle Pfade durch Schicksal, Schuld und Tod
doch ein in Gottes Gnade trotz aller unsrer Not.
Wir sind von Gott umgeben, auch hier in Raum und Zeit,
und werden in ihm leben und sein in Ewigkeit."

However low you fall God's hand is always there ...