Friday 2 January 2009

The Calvin year and other people's new year's resolutions

I did wonder whether at the beginning of the année Calvin I shouldn't set myself a completely unachievable task - like reading the whole of the Institutes or something. Then I wondered whether I should read more of Paul's writings as 2009 is also the year of St Paul. Dr B was once a bit of a lay expert on what are referred to as the writings of Paul so that could even be a joint project - but he seems to be more interested in the aesthetics of Berlin architecture at the moment.
There are of course many other resolutions I could make - keeping the house tidier, learning to be happier, eating more healthily, trying one more time to get the work life balance sorted out and lots and lots of other self-improving and life enhancing ideas. However, I have decided this will be my own year of living vicariously on the blogosphere through other people's new year's resolutions. Because you see other people have begun the New Year with all sorts of amazing projects.
David Ker
has managed both to redesign Lingamish and launch a sort of tumble drier sort of blog which has a great post-modernist approach to posting all those bits and pieces you find while you're out there on the information super highway but don't quite know what to do. Why throw the html crumbs to the birds when you can turn them into a random intriguing blog? (NB Dr B while you read this over your morning coffee I think we could do with one of these sorts of blogs even if it doesn't dry the clothes.) Anyway the redoubtable Mr Ker is about to return to Mozambique and you can also help support Wycliffe Bible translators and his work with them by clicking here.
Meanwhile J.K. Gayle having got his doctorate has now also launched a fascinating new blog to go alongside the already mind-altering substance that is Aristotle's Feminist Subject. The new blog called The Wombman's Bible has the project of translating the Hebrew Bible from the Greek texts. The way I've written that maybe doesn't sound quite right but even non-translators may have heard of the Septuagint Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible which was often the basis for many later translations - and mis-transanslations. It's going to be fascinating to see how J.K. and his family get on over the year. "This blog is to be my ongoing commentary on the Bible. I'm trying to encourage myself and my family members to read it again this year. My daughters and my son and my wife are going to help me translate it into English. They're mainly going to read it in English. I'm mainly making it into English from Greek."
I was also intrigued by the Better Bibles Blog's invitation to join in this Bible reading project
which is also on facebook.

So many projects, so many great ideas. Meanwhile ... well meanwhile there is just so much to read, so much to learn about, so many links to be made, so much lurking on other people's sites to be done. I'm looking forwards to benefitting from other people's new year resolutions.


David Ker said...

Thanks for the plug. I'm excited about the tumblelog. "Note in Reader" was always so dull. At least this has some visual interest.

J. K. Gayle said...

Appreciate the links, Jane. The other projects (David's and BBB's) are much more interesting than a commentary on the Greek from my outsider's perspective.

Jane said...

JK I am honestly stunned by your project and think it's fabulous. What's fascinating are the links and accretions across the layers and centuries of translation. I just think it's a brilliant project and I shall do a post about it again soon. It brings together your different gifts and shows us your workings. Do keep writing.
And HAppy New Year