Thursday 19 November 2009

Religion gives you fever - and plenty to read

The much awaited issue of Philosophie magazine on the gospels, Paul and revelation has made its way to our household. It's a splendidly eclectic selection of short articles by philosophers on biblical themes. Stanislas Breton says that Western religion gives you fever "the Bible which is the book of humanity also justifies holy wars".
I was really attracted to the title of Vladimir Jankélévitch's article which is "Felix Culpa!" - how can joy be born out of sin. It's an interesting reflection on guilt.
I shall also open up some of the Paul Ricoeur on our shelves upstairs having read the short extract here called "tales of normality" referring to the new testament parables and saying how these normal stories open up the extraordinary.
I'm also looking forward to reading Rosa Luxemburg writing about John Chrysostom and looking at why Christianity failed to bring about the revolution.
Anyway lots of great bits and pieces here to make me think I might one day have time to follow up on some of this ... perhaps there will be time for philosophy if I make it to retirement!