Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Polar bears for climate justice

There is an empty plinth outside Copenhagen's cathedral and at the moment the plint houses an ice sculpture of a polar pear. At the Oxfam climate justice demonstrations in the UK some of the demonstrators were dressed up as polar bears with slogans saying on their costumes saying "Help us save the human race".
No one is quite sure how long the polar bear ice sculpture will last - it depends on the climate ...
Read more in ENI.
"People here are very excited about the bear. It is a creature those who are not familiar with life north of the Arctic can easily relate to," Storø told Ecumenical News International as another passerby asked the sculptor to pose for a photograph next to his bear. "It is easy for people to understand climate change when they see a 500 kilogram bear slowly melt and disappear," the artist said.

1 Comment:

Petra said...

Diese wunderschönen filigranen Eisskulpturen - sie sind so vergänglich wie die Zeit, und sie berühren unser Herz wie ein Schmetterling an einem schönen Sommertag. Ich frage mich jedoch, wen berühren sie? Die, die empfänglich für solche Schönheit sind - aber auch, die, die es nicht sind? Berührt einen hart Kalkulierenden "Ist"- Menschen denn so etwas? Ich bezweifele es stark und so fließen die Wassertropfen wie sinnlose Tränen dahin. Aber wie heißt es so schön:die Hoffnung stirbt zu letzt!