Wednesday, 19 May 2010


I've been busy. Kirchentag is like that. It tends to take up not only all of the available time but also more than the usual amount of enregy too. Nick Baines has been blogging about his time there and seems to have enjoyed it - i'm quite jealous about him seeing Küng and Motlmann in action.
I spent most of my time at the WCC stall in the Agora and had a fascinating time getting people to write tweets for us and engaging wtih people about ecumenism and the WCC's work. I'll admit to looking forward to my beer at the end of each day - even if it was for the most part not the marker of the end of the day but just an opener to the next shift of writing and translating. Anyway, it's taking me a while to recover from the backlog of work following Kirchentag, so normal blogging service will return only after a while - I have two big writing projects to deal with this weekend as well as several hundred pages of proof reading ... more from me soon, who knows I might even have some thoughts about ecumenism to share with you!