Wednesday 20 May 2009

The Kirchentag is 60 but remains forever young and has no thoughts of retiring

The German Protestant Kirchentag is celebrating its 60th birthday this year. Independence, faith and responsibility for the world have been the guiding themes over the years.
The Kirchentag remains a very young event, huge numbers of scouts and young people from youth groups attend, the music and atmosphere are always great.
And with a Kirchentag every year for three years (rather than once every two years) there's lots of work to do from 2009 to 2011, loads of volunteers to keep motivated and big challenges to meet this year in Bremen, next year in Munich and in 2011 in Dresden.
It's been fascinating to be part, in a very small way, of the discussions about whether the Kirchentag would manage to do three events in three years - rather than two in four. They took the decision that it was easier to maintain the volunteer networks by asking them to do a bit more than by closing down the Kirchentag for three years. It's hard work for everyone but they are certainly not planning for retirement any time soon.
Bookabout the Kirchentag here.