Wednesday 20 May 2009

People from the URC in the International Centre

So it just had to be the case that some of the first people I meet in the international centre were from the United Reformed Church. Later in the week the IZ as it's called will be so busy that we might not have spotted one another. anyway here are some quick snaps of Richard Mortimer URC deputy general secretary, Peter Colwell who works at CTBI, Sheila Brain who representant the UK on the international committee of the Kirchentag also on the snaps are Jonathan who has just been appointed as an Archdeacon to the diocese of Europe and Margaret - sorry folks I didn't get your surnames.


Angus Mathieson said...

Hope that you're all having a great time - say hello to all who know me! Big demate tomorrow at our General Assembly on homosexual ministers.

Jane said...

Hi Angus - several folk asked after you, gerhard and Etzard in partic - he gets married in two weeks! Woke up this morning to the news of the C of S debate - must try and find some time to go online and see how the debate went. Can imagine it was all pretty difficult and depressing ...