Saturday 9 May 2009

Taste the honey and change the world with the secret life of bees

How sweet are your words to my taste,
sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119.103
I've spent this afternoon at the hairdresser's reading Sue Monk Kidd's lovely book The Secret Life of Bees. I've not seen the film released last year but it's great to read a book with a strong set of female characters. I also felt it more successfully incorporated the feminine into the notion of God than I felt the rather forced attempts in The Shack managed to.
Kidd's book has some great scenes with a Marian communion done with honey cakes and some quite strange annointing of a statue of Mary with honey. But essentially it is a story of searching for forgiveness and unconditional love. It is also about courage and adversity, daring to try and change the world rather than only search for personal fulfilment and understanding.