Tuesday 29 September 2009

The giant hairball?

Because people know that I am writing about leadership, management and the life of organisations I get sent quite an array of fascinating suggestions for widening my reading list. My favourite this week is definitely Orbiting the Giant Hairball.
Just the title really made me smile, not sure I shall actually get around to reading it but it certainly encourages me to think up my own weird and wonderful images to talk about work, organisations and finding one's way through it all. I think in the end I still prefer circuses and volcanoes to pick some meaning out of it all for myself. If I had time perhaps I should try and track down the strangest title out there on organisations and how to survive them.


Bishop Alan Wilson said...

Jane, in slightly gushy mode, this is one of my all time favourite leadership books. I shared a copy with some priests I ordained a couple of years ago, and I still thinks it raises the big issues about keeping creative fires alive in a complex and sometimes boring organisation. I'd love to know what you think when you've read it — and it can be read in little gollops, too.

Jane said...

Oooh I love that word gollops - I must go to me etymology dictionary. Actually now I come to think of it I think Dr B read about this on your blog and then sent a link on to me so you probably deserve at least a hat tip.
Anyway maybe when I'm in Crete I'll manage to do this and thanks for the recommendation - We want to get church leaders reflecting about leadership and management from new perspectives for a journal I work on so maybe we'll be in touch. More soon