Thursday, 21 February 2008

The end of international mother language day and the beginning of the UN year of languages

At the end of International Mother Language Day I've been rather tired. That mainly had to do with the WCC central committee having finally ended (and nothing to do with the wine I've drunk this evening!). I always forget what a relief it is when these big meetings end. Yesterday evening it was such a wonderful feeling on the bus home to be thinking about what I would be cooking rather than wondering whether the take away pizza place would still be open! Last night I cooked for Paola and Andrea who worked as stewards with me during central committee, it was really good to relax together and to eat some home-cooked fare and finally have some time to actually talk about what their studies and plans are.
Tonight we've been eating raclette with friends and telling silly stories about what is "polite" in our various cultures - in a mixture of German and English.
Meanwhile UNESCO has launched the international year of languages in Paris and I would encourage you once more to read the UNESCO courier and also to study Don Osborn's Website on African languages, technology and development.
Languages matter. How many words did you use today?

1 Comment:

Don said...

Hi Jane, thanks for highlighting IMLD and the Year of Languages. As you've certainly noticed, I've been keeping a list of as many blogs as I can keep up with that mention the Year. I've now split these up by date. Your latest entry is on this page.

I'll have another post shortly on the Beyond Niamey blog that you've so kindly called attention to. All the best!