Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Pure pleasure while praying

This evening we gathered in the side chapel as we do on Wednesdays through Advent and Lent for Holden evening prayer. While Annie and Colin, our soloists, were singing the magnificat and we were responding, I was overtaken for a moment by the gentle pleasurable beauty of worshiping and praying in this way. It was precious and I briefly glimpsed an understanding of what Advent and incarnation and being church might all be about. For a few short notes of music I learnt about being upheld and led out by tune, melody and harmony. Going to church can be good for you.

1 Comment:

Rev R Marszalek said...

At about the same time as you I was meeting with my house group and we were being led in prayer to imagine God pouring out before us the bounty of all his gifts - gift after gift and I saw all my many gifts flowing as if out from a water cascade - my babies, my husband, places I've been to, special people in my life, my wedding day etc - wow - it was quite amasing - indeed advent is about the waiting, waiting in the certainty of these tremendous gifts the ultimate being the gift of God himself.

How blessed we are.
