Sunday 2 March 2008

Aux urnes citoyen(ne)s for a Duty-free Ferney

Oh dear.
First I discover I have been putting the wrong information on my previous post about our local elections - there are not four but five lists contesting our local elections. Well this is what Alex Décotte is reporting in Ferney Candide, but perhaps I've misunderstood. His vituperative style is not always easy to follow.
Then I discover that the fifth list does not have a pure French name but is supposedly called "Ferney Duty-Free" - The sitting mayor is called Mr Duty (pronounced dootie) so I think you get the picture. Not quite sure what the Académie Française would make of such an anglicisme in French election material.
Meanwhile Ferney Candide gives you the update on the campaign in each of the major local communes. You can begin to understand what inspired Clochemerle.
Now I'm beginning to sound like a truly ghastly ex-pat, oh dear, I am becoming a person I don't like.