Friday 16 May 2008

Paradigm shifts and old wine on a Friday evening

The Germans call it "to live like God in France" (Leben wie Gott in Frankreich) which means I supose living it up. So tonight in a gentle way that's what we've been doing.
One of the problems with owning too much wine is that everyone knows you like wine so they bring you more. Our wonderful polyglot friend Olive ( who speaks 6 or 7 languages including Russian, Arabic and Ketchuan) recently turned up with some bottles cleared out from her cellar. So with a friend we've managed to commit vinicide on a bottle of wine as old as our marriage - a 1991 Lynch-Bages Pauillac. Yes I know it almost sounds as if I know what I'm talking about but actually I'm just typing what the label says. It was however delicious and even nicer for being drunk with a very simple meal.
Finally talk meandred on to paradigm shifts, what they are, whether the world is going through one at the moment with the fuel and food crisis, how you explain what a paradigm shift is. S tried to tell me about how a paradigm shift is like putting bags of sugar on the shelf one at a time over a period of time and not noticing that they are there until there are so many that they bring the shelf down. I still wonder whether many paradigm shifts actually happen rather more subtly than that though. Then I wondered about whether the gospel passage about new wine and old wine skins etc. is also about paradigm shifts in some way - I shall have to revisit the text.
Although vinicide does stimulate the beginnings of philosophical discussion it doesn't always help with seeing the arguments through to conclusion of some kind. In this case the paradigm shift seems to have fallen asleep on the sofa ... this is what happens when you live like God in France.