Monday 19 May 2008

A Prayer by John Bell for a time of grieving

John Bell of the Iona Community has written wonderful songs and hymns for a time of grieving which can be downloaded here. The CD and books can also be bought online here.

While not really tidying my office this weekend I came across my copy of the book of reflections and writings called The Last Journey which includes some powerful straightforward prayers which. Translating some of what Bell has written into French helped me write prayers of my own that were less concerned with poetry and more with saying it like it is. Where grief is concerned that's important to me, not false platitudes or hope.

I will do it only once, Lord,
though my whole life moves towards it.
So I pray for a good death
when the time is right,
when I have finished my business,
when I have come to terms with my mortality.

Before then,
in the small and large losses of life,
in the giving away of fond possessions,
in the parting of close friends,
in the changing of job, house or church,
may I sense a meaning in loss
and have a foretaste of resurrection.

copyright (c) John Bell