Tuesday 9 September 2008

Crepúsculo - Pequenos Escritos Ecumênicos

My hardworking and very discreet colleague Odair Pedroso Mateus has brought out a book of some of his writings in Portuguese.
The articles have intriguing titles like A Reforma Protestante em uma frase - The Protestant Reformation in one sentence, or Metafragmentos intercontextuais - Intercontextual metafragments.
Even though my Portuguese is as good as non-existant (I can order a caipirinha) I can see that these essays are written with care and conviction. It takes real discipline to write so concisely and clearly that even someone with just a vague memory of Latin can begin to see what you're hinting at.
It's a small book but the thinking is strong. Crepusculo is twilight, the time when the stars begin to come out. This star burns brightly.
I think if you go here and click on contato you might even be able to order a copy.