Thursday, 6 September 2007

On our way to and from beer this evening

I've decided that blogging about all this marginally theological stuff is just an excuse- really all I'm actually blogging about is beer. It is so far the only recurrent topic! Now have a photo of the excellent local brew called Ursus.
Anyway on our way to our beer and supper this evening with our friend Horst from Berlin, we bumped into Colin Williams and Jean-Arnold de Clermont and then some friends and former colleagues from the French Reformed Church and from the Eglise Evangélique Luthérienne de France. I told them I was following the French blog and they said that it would really worth reading in the morning - looking forwards to that! (I should add that the previous evening on our way to beer our friend Horst bumped into Wolfgang Huber, and Ishmael Noko was in the restaurant we ate in - the moral of this is you must go out for an evening drink, it gives you better opportunites for name-dropping in your blog.)
The main pedestrian street in Sibiu was full of lovely singing, in four part harmony from a delegation from one of the Baltic countries who were eating ice-cream.
But the highlight of the evening was bumping into Smaranda Dochia and some of the other stewards on our way back. Each of them was wearing rather splendid t-shirts in very refined and restrained professional navy-blue. The first one read "H.E. Metropolitan Gennadios (vice-president of CEC) started as a steward", the second one had the appropriate biblical quote and then "Martha started as a steward", the third one said on the front "Benedict started as a steward..." and continued on the back "and founded a whole order" and the final one said "Peter started as a steward ..." I'm not going to tell you what that said on th back - but it was worn by a young woman!!
The only disadvantage to going out for a late beer is that the bars were full of the journalists I'd been working with all day. Still can't complain too much, one of them is my husband.

1 Comment:

Gustavo Bonato said...

Hey! Great blog, great stories!

Ecumenical gatherings are more or less all the same: lots of fun, lots of stress! I love them!

When you see Smaranda, say "hi" to her.