Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Word of the day - paradis fiscal

In English we speak of tax havens and in French they talk about paradis fiscal or fiscal paradise. Fascinating that we use such religious language for the money of the super rich. Meanwhile it becomes more and more difficult for human beings to get refuge, asylum or a safe haven, but those are only human lives not important things like money, money, money.
I've been interested to read this week about the Uniting Church of Australia's report From Corruption to Good Governance which focuses on gloabl bribery and corruption.

Ecumenical News International quotes Mark Zirnsak, a co-author of the report as saying that that contrary to popular opinion it is not always the poor nations of the world that are the most corrupt.
"Although corruption occurs in most poor nations, it is big business and the wealthy of the world who are usually fostering and benefiting from that corruption at the expense of the poor."

Meanwhile epd the German Protestant news service has in recent weeks carried a story about the need for church development agencies to guard against corruption. Do churches apply the high standards they demand of others asks the paper quoted in the report, written by experts working with Transparency International, Germany. It's a dififcult path for church organisations to tread, trying to be exemplary in their own practice so as to serve as a model to others. Unfortunately churches are often not above reproach in the way they deal with money.

The two reports are calls to greater integrity in money matters for individuals and organisations.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Well the German is Steueroase o tax oasis