Monday 16 June 2008

The new Deisis Icon from Sibiu for the chapel

Last week Luca Negro, a minister in the ItalianWaldensian Protestant Church, preached on the Orthodox icon from Romania pictured on the left here. The icon was part of the worship life at the Third European Ecumenical Assembly in Sibiu last year. The icon was hung in the chapel in Geneva last Monday.
" Painted on glass by the monks of the Orthodox Monastery of Sambata de Sus, not far from Sibiu, the icon is a special version of a very common icon, the so called “Deisis Icon” (the Greek word deisis meaning prayer, supplication).
This icon is present in every Orthodox Church, but our icon is special for two reasons: first of all because in the original version of this Sambata de Sus icon there is a different phrase written on the Gospel which Jesus holds in His left hand. The original has: “I am the door, the resurrection and the life”, a combination of John 10,7 and John 11,25, while the Assembly icon has another verse from John, which is more directly connected to the Assembly theme: “Eu sunt lumina lumii”, “I am the light of the world” (John 8,12)."