Wednesday 18 June 2008

What if the Kingdom of God was just outside your door?

Thanks to the splendid Prodigal Kiwis blog I've come across this month long project where members of a congregation set up a blog to write about the signs of God's kingdom they see all around them, they commit to writing just a paragraph at least five days out of every seven for a month.
Steve Taylor whose idea the experiment is says:

"I am starting a 4 week series on Kingdom of God and I am asking for your help. My aim for the 4 weeks is to help us become better at finding the Kingdom in our ordinary and everyday lives as Christians. I am writing to ask if you would be willing to be part of a public experiment. And for the next 4 weeks, make a commitment to keep an on-line journal in which you write a paragraph each day on Kingdom signs that you are noticing in your everyday life and work."

You can read the full post here, at the end there's a good guide to how to approach the task and set up your own online journal. You can also read the journals of the Kingdom seekers :
"Regina is journaling here; Phil is journaling here;Judy is journaling here; Viv is journaling here; and outside Opawa, outside New Zealand, Eleanor is journaling here"

So why not join them and try it out and become part of the project, or maybe launch the idea in your own church soon.