Wednesday 22 October 2008

Françoise Dolto remembered in today's Le monde

Today's Le Monde has a three page spread on the splendid Françoise Dolto for the 100th anniversary of her birth. UNESCO will be holding a 3 day international colloquium on Dolto in December but unfortunately the biography which was due to come out this year will now not come out until 2010.
I've particularly enjoyed reading her work on faith and psychoanalysis, though I admit I had hardly heard of her before I moved to France. Today's Le Monde has some wonderful extracts from her letters as well as a much longer article charting her championing of children and of the child within each of us. There's also concern expressed that much of the current controversy around her work is actually a way of trying to mask the return of more authoritarian family models.
Anyway you can find a good article in English charting Dolto's life and work on the UNESCO site here.