Saturday 23 August 2008

Le service biblique

There are lots of useful reources on the Fédération Protestante de France website (I'm not sold on the layout but you can't have everything). I've been discovering the resources available from the service biblique: the upcoming courses; the competition they're running at the moment to encourage new Bible study leaders; the link to the great Point KT site.
There's also a link to an excellent biblical blog that ERF colleagues in the Paris region have been writing for a while. Interesting articles with good pictures and I like the idea behind the quick discovery of the Bible. It makes me smile is that the blog is run by a group called CRAB - Celllule Régionale d'Animation Biblique - I love the French obsession with acronyms. They call their writings on the blog "Miettes de CRAB" which I suppose translates as Crab crumbs. They've only been online for two years and it's great to know that this online resource in French is being built up.
It's also good to be on holiday and have time to surf and read, there's just too much to find out about. And you can discover more about the reading the Bible in six years project which has brought all of the member churches of the Fédération together with the same daily Bible readings.